A global industry consortium that provides a platform for trend-setter enterprises to connect. Members’ working groups use Digital Transformation and ESG knowledge to develop actionable plans to protect stakeholders from catastrophic risks.

Anatoli Levine
Anatoli is the co-founder of the AKFI. Mr. Levine served for over 11 years as President of IMTC – International Multimedia Communications Consortium, a non-profit global organization that promotes interoperability of open standards for Unified Communications, Content Delivery, and IoT/M2M. Currently, he is the Director of Products and Standards at Softil where he represents the company in open standards organizations including 3GPP (Mobile 4G/5G) and IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).

Patrick Luthi
Secretary-General ECMA International: global ICT and Consumer Electronics (CE) standards.
Before joining ECMA as CTO in 2019, Patrick Luthi was the manager of technology standards at Cisco. Since 2000, he has served as the Rapporteur for the ITU-T Experts Group on multimedia systems, terminals, gateways, and data conferencing and editor of four multimedia ITU recommendations. He is also a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

Eugene (Gene) Okun
CEO and co-founder of Sustco (Sustainable Company Score)
“Green Gene” Okun is a serial entrepreneur. Sustco, his latest company is a 21st century AI-driven ESG + F ratings. “F” stands for Financial as it relates to the stock performance given long term market risks and rewards. Gene co-founded CRD Global where he contributes a tremendous wealth of investment and market real world direct active knowledge in the public company sustainability, clean energy space, carbon reduction, and sustainability space for all US public companies. “

Ertan Kucukyalcin
Former CEO IIA-Turkey. The Institute of Internal Auditors
IIA Turkey
Demonstrated history of working in international settings, in the financial, non-financial and non-profit organizations. Skilled in strategic planning, investor relations, corporate social responsibility, valuation, corporate governance and risk management. Strongly believes that all those areas are not separated silos, but together they form the basis for creating value. Graduated from Bosphorus
University Economics Department and hold masters degree from Marmara University with a thesis on Corporate Social Responsibility and its impacts on Nation-states., and a Business Strategy Certificate from Cornell University.

Prof. Karan Girotra
Charles H Dyson Family Professor of Management, The S.C. Johnson College of Business, Cornell University, and author of the “Risk Driven Business Model” (USA) Karan’s research has focused business models enabling the digital transformation of companies and industries. His research contributions were recognized, among others, with prestigious Wickham Skinner Early Career Research Award. Karan was one of the founders of TerraPass Inc. Since then, TerraPass has helped businesses and individuals reduce over hundred million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Prof. Derek Cabrera
Internationally known systems scientist, inventor of the DSRP, and faculty at Cornell University. He is the Program Director for the Graduate Certification Program in Systems Thinking, Modeling, and Leadership (STML).
Cabrera established several non-profit and cause-based organizations, including leading fundraising for the Aceh Relief Fund after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. He co-founded an organization called Children of Rural Africa, which builds schools and community development projects in rural Nigeria.
Derek is also co-inventor with Prof. Laura Cabrera of Plectica, a groundbreaking mapping tool, and a Sr. Faculty at Plectica.

Prof. Laura Cabrera
Prof. Laura Cabrera teaches Systems Thinking and Modeling and Organizational Design, Change and Leadership at the Institute for Policy Affairs, Cornell University. Dr. Laura Cabrera is an author and a well-known educator, evaluator, and internationally recognized expert in parenting and education. She is also Program Director for Cornell’s Graduate Certification Program in Systems Thinking, Modeling, and Leadership (STML).
Laura co-founded with Prof. Derek Cabrera Plectica, where Laura is Chief Research Officer.

Therese Baptiste
Positioned as an international leadership and motivational coach, my expertise lies in cultivating profound insights into the social impact of sustainability strategies implemented by companies, fostering growth and positive change. With a rich background as a former UN ambassador and Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization, as well as former Vice President of the World Health Advisory Board, I offer a strategic perspective rooted in ESG principles recognizing the importance of measuring the social impact of all sustainability policies.

Dr. Alex G. Lee
ESG Digital Transformation (ESGDX) Forum founder and a New Your State attorney (USA/S. Korea)
Dr. Lee is an innovation and strategy professional with 30 years of digital/software, telecommunications, IT, semiconductors, and cybersecurity expertise.
He is the founder of ESG Digital Transformation (ESGDX) Forum for integrated management for sustainability and digital transformation for sustainable acceleration.
Dr. Lee earned Ph.D. in physics from the Johns Hopkins University, a J.D. from the Suffolk University, and a MIT Strategy and Innovation Certificate. Alex serves as a N.Y. State attorney, US patent attorney, and Certified Licensing Professional.

Prof. Benito Fernandez
University of Texas Austin, expertise in Digital Transformation, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS/IoT), Chaotic Hybrid Encryption Communication Kit (USA).
Dr. Benito Fernandez has a multidisciplinary background with degrees in Chemical Engineering (1979), Materials Engineering (1981), and Mechanical Engineering (1985 MS, 1988 PhD). Dr. Fernández worked in academia from 30+ years with a hiatus at MIT for his MS and PhD. He developed the first Mechatronics class in the US (1993). Benito has research and IP expertise with 5+ patents published.