Actionable Knowledge was born in 2020
We believe in action in times of great uncertainty
AKFI (Actionable Knowledge Foundational Institute) was born in 2020 in the middle of the great uncertainty how to act when global disasters and pandemics strike. A vision of a world whereby 2022 together we overcome disasters and pandemics.
Back in 2020 was the time where the action got entangled in the search for a new normal. It was the time when knowledge struggled to convert into action. It also was the time when each scientific discipline proposed a different solution. Scientists, economists, business people, and politicians held different perspectives on current events.
When put together, the solutions could not produce a coherent, actionable plan to save lives and save economies alike.
This is how actionable knowledge became AKFI’s mission
Relentlessly learn from disasters and pandemics how to save lives and limit economic losses.
People, governments, and enterprises amplified pandemic waves:
- Ad-hoc emergency policies confused and confronted people worldwide. Excessive death, economic and psychological suffering resulted
- Rush for huge fiscal stimulus. Economic theories were discarded, supply lines disrupted, and widespread bankruptcies became the norm.
- Societies moved in-and-out of quarantines. The unmitigated impact of high unemployment coupled with the home-office disruption of family and social life. Layoffs in all major industries are still in progress.
- Delayed environmental policies locally, globally, and nationally
- Accelerated digital transformation and decelerated 5G deployment. Biotech innovation focused on COVID-19 vaccines, starved funding for public health research from Alzheimer’s to Zika.
Man-made problems:
- Lack of actionable knowledge local, national, and global levels.
- Examples include travel policies, isolation rules, and medical reporting of cases and deaths.
Long term implications:
- Large unemployment, social and economic shock.
- Searching for vaccines and expecting miracles.
- Moving to uncharted ‘new normal’ in all areas including politics.
To get better results Need NOT to repeat the same mistakes
- Convene a forum focused on creating a body of actionable knowledge.
- Create processes to avoid a repeat of the ad-hoc response.
- Have the plans, and be ready to act
Ask yourself if now is the right time to plan for the future?